The aim of this work is the experimental and theoretical investigation
of the influence of variable laser parameters (wavelength, fluence, p
ulse repetition rate) and of the optical and thermophysical properties
of bone tissue (absorption coefficient, tissue inhomogeneity) as well
as of the sample thickness on ablation thresholds and ablation rate.
Ablation and perforation experiments were conducted using a semiconduc
tively pre-ionized transverse excitation atmospheric pressure (TEA) ca
rbon dioxide (CO2) laser (10.6 mu m) and a sliding discharge TEA [hydr
ogen fluoride (HF)] laser (2.9 mu m). The experimental data are discus
sed with respect to the following ablation mechanisms: thermal melting
and vaporization process, pressure oscillation of gases released by t
he thermal decomposition of collagen and/or apatite, stresses due to t
he expansion of superheated water.