A probabilistic macroseismic hazard assessment has been done for Nicar
agua. For this, the most complete catalogue for Central America, compi
led by NORSAR in Norway has been used. In this catalogue, empirical in
tensity attenuation relations were found. Using these empirical relati
ons, magnitudes were changed to epicentral intensities expected in sit
es where no intensities had been reported. The calculated intensities
from a polygon surrounding Nicaragua were used to assess the macroseis
mic hazard in the region. For the whole polygon, the cumulative intens
ity frequency was calculated resulting in a b-value of 0.60 for an int
ensity interval of V-IX. The time completeness was also studied indica
ting that, for strong events causing higher intensities (I-0 greater t
han or equal to VII), the catalogue is complete for events that have b
een recorded since 1840. The whole polygon was cut into independent se
ismotectonic regions where the statistical procedure (intensity freque
ncy and time completeness) was done.