More complete heterostructure tunneling simulations often display unus
ual resonance features. Unfortunately, the complexity of these models
often obscures the physics behind such behavior. In order to better un
derstand these features we study the transmission of a simple, yet qui
te general, two-state scattering model. With this model we are able to
reproduce all of the types of resonance behavior observed in multista
te heterostructure tunneling simulations: resonances, antiresonances,
and resonance-antiresonance pairs. We find that resonance-antiresonanc
e pairs are possible when the incident state (state 1) is somewhat con
fined, the other state (state 2) is well confined, and the magnitudes
of the state-2 intrastate transmission and the state-1-state-2 interst
ate transmission are both small. We also find that if the state-1 conf
inement is not too strong and the state-1 and state-2 resonances coinc
ide then an antiresonance (notch) in the transmission peak at the comm
on resonance can occur. These results should aid interpretation of the
transmission graphs predicted by more complete multistate heterostruc
ture tunneling models.