The evolution of separate sexes as a means of avoiding self-fertilizat
ion requires the controversial coexistence of large inbreeding depress
ion and high selfing rate in the ancestral hermaphrodite population. F
itness components of adult females and hermaphrodites in nature, of th
eir open-pollinated progeny, and of experimental selfs and outcrosses
onto hermaphrodites were compared in endemic Hawaiian Bidens sandvicen
sis, all of whose known populations are gynodioecious, consisting of a
mixture of females and hermaphrodites. Multilocus selfing rates of he
rmaphrodites were also estimated, and sex morph ratio monitored over f
our seasons in three populations of B. sandvicensis and one population
of gynodioecious B. cervicata. Total mean inbreeding depression in se
ed set (in the glasshouse), germination rate (in an open-air nursery o
n Kauai), and first year survivorship and fecundity in the field were
estimated as 0.94 (SE 0.04), and occurred primarily in drought months.
Lower survivorship and fecundity of selfs were partially explained by
their consistently smaller size. Open-pollinated seed of females had
significantly lower germination rate, proportion flowering, and fecund
ity than outcrossed progeny of hermaphrodites, suggesting moderate bip
arental inbreeding in females and a lack of any non-outcrossing advant
age to progeny of females. In all fitness components, open-pollinated
progeny of hermaphrodites were inferior to those of females and to out
crosses, and in most components were superior to selfs. Total performa
nce of open-pollinated progeny of females relative to those of hermaph
rodites was calculated as 2.3 (SE = 0.4), but since inflorescences of
females also set 20% to 50% more seed than those of hermaphrodites, th
eir total relative ovule success was estimated as 3.2 (SE = 0.5). If i
nheritance of male sterility is nuclear, this superiority is sufficien
t to maintain females in frequencies over 20% in populations, whose ac
tual frequencies ranged from 14% to 33%. In four populations, selfing
rates of hermaphrodites, assayed in seedlings, were 0.50, 0.45, 0.25,
and 0.30, but since substantial inbreeding depression occurred prior t
o germination, the mean selfing rate of hermaphrodite ovules exceeded
0.57. female frequencies were significantly higher in the two populati
ons with higher hermaphrodite selfing rate. These results suggest that
inbreeding depression can exert a profound influence on the mating sy
stem of self-compatible plants on Hawaii and perhaps other oceanic isl
ands, and can be sufficiently strong to electively favor the eliminati
on of the male function.