Basic research into the cognitive, behavioral, familial, and physiolog
ical disturbances associated with depressive disorders during childhoo
d is reviewed. Implications for the development of a treatment program
are discussed and a comprehensive treatment model is proposed. The pr
oposed model includes intervention strategies for the child, parents,
family, and school. The child component consists of intervention strat
egies for the affective, cognitive, behavioral, and physiological dist
urbances that are evident from the existing research. The parent train
ing component is designed to address disturbances in parenting due to
cognitive disturbances and skills deficits. The family therapy compone
nt emphasizes changing interaction patterns that communicate schema-co
nsistent maladaptive interactions. A school consultation component is
proposed in which school personnel support the skills training through
prompting use of the skills and reinforcement of the use of the copin
g skills.