Propagule size is perhaps the most widely recognized and studied mater
nal effect in ecology, yet its evolution is not well-understood. The l
arge body of extant optimality theory treats parental investment solel
y as an ecological problem, largely from the perspective of progeny. T
his approach has had limited success explaining the ubiquitous variati
on in propagule size within and among natural populations at most temp
oral and spatial scales. This problem aside, an unassailable gap in pr
opagule size theory is that it pays little heed to the fact that offsp
ring size is a joint phenotype of two individuals- the offspring and i
ts mother. Hence, the ecology of mothers is decidedly as important in
shaping the evolution of propagule size phenotypes. There are two reas
ons to suspect that this gap may account for the lack of success of op
timality theory to explain variation in nature. The first is that opti
mality models of propagule size make no allowance for, nor can they ex
plain, widespread, multivariate correlations between maternal characte
rs and clutch parameters, namely the positive phenotypic covariances o
f maternal age, size, fecundity, and per-propagule investment found in
many organisms. If per-propagule investment is optimized by selection
based on the expectation of offspring fitness, then why should that p
henotype be a function of maternal age or size when the ecological cir
cumstances of progeny are not changing as a function of maternal age o
r size? The second gap in current theory is that, like all optimizatio
n theory, it is patently non-genetic in that it is assumed that the ph
enotypes optimized are evolutionarily accessible. Recent maternal effe
cts theory indicates that traits subject to maternal influence behave
in unanticipated ways. Specifically, there may be time lags in respons
e to selection, and hence, selection away from the optimum phenotype.
This paper explores a suite of issues pertaining to the evolution of p
ropagule size from the broader perspective of propagule size as a mate
rnal effect (PSME) with a goal of widening the lens through which prop
agule size is viewed by evolutionary ecologists. Two themes are develo
ped. First, I suggest that, to understand egg size variance and its im
plications for both maternal and offspring fitness, it is necessary to
consider explicitly the ecological context in which a mother is produ
cing eggs, not just that into which offspring will enter. I argue that
some of the variables that have only been incorporated in pairwise fa
shion (or not at all) into studies of propagule size might account for
the lack of agreement about how this important life history feature e
volves. Further, I suggest that failure to consider other sources of s
election on maternal phenotypes, driven by a narrow adaptationist view
that has historically been taken of PSMEs, has obfuscated many intere
sting questions surrounding their coevolution with maternal characters
. Thus, the second theme is that it is necessary to consider other exp
lanations for why propagule size varies apart from those pertaining to
offspring fitness per se'. Based on a detailed review of the empirica
l literature, I conclude that the concept of an optimal propagule size
is not only an insufficient construct to explain the evolution of pro
pagule size, but that continued reliance on an optimization approach i
s likely to stifle development of more realistic and predictive theory
for the evolution of this key life history trait. Novel theory should
incorporate realities from physiology, development and genetics and s
hould accommodate the dynamic nature of the selective environments in
which propagule size evolves, all of which have been shown by empirici
sts to play a role in determining propagule size phenotypes. A key fea
ture of this theory should be the explicit treatment of propagule size
as a maternal effect.