The phylogeny of 20 cultured species of Ophryotrocha, including a grou
p of sibling species that can only be identified by biochemical or rep
roductive information, is estimated from a combined parsimony analysis
of 32 morphological, reproductive and electrophoretic characters, wit
h selected members of Dorvillea, Ougia and Protodorvillea used as outg
roups. Sexual production in the group include simultaneous hermaphrodi
tism, protandrous sex reversal, an exceptional male/hermaphrodite syst
em, and gonochorism. According to the presented phylogeny, simultaneou
s hermaphroditism appears as the primitive state in the group. It is s
uggested that sequential hermaphroditism and gonochorism are independe
ntly acquired, the latter state also giving rise to the male/hermaphro
dite system.