In many western countries, successful control of bacterial sexually tr
ansmitted diseases (STDs) has contrasted with an increase in the preva
lence of viral STDs. The continued increase in clinical and subclinica
l genital herpes infections is of particular concern because of the im
plications for the risk of coincident spread of human immunodeficiency
virus infection. Advances in knowledge of the epidemiology and natura
l history of genital herpes must be the basis of renewed educational e
fforts targeted at the general public, healthcare professionals, as we
ll as infected persons. Diagnostic techniques, such as polymerase chai
n reaction and type-specific serology, now allow increased detection o
f subclinical infection. However, infected persons must be assured of
access to effective antiviral treatment and comprehensive holistic man
agement if the clinical and epidemiological benefits of detection are
to outweigh the psychological and psychosocial disadvantages of being
infected with a stigmatized condition. Vaccines could offer the best p
rospect for both primary prophylaxis and immunotherapy of genital herp
es, and may have the greatest impact in limiting the spread of this in
fection. Recent progress has been made in the development of effective
and safe vaccines, and their successful introduction should be a majo
r priority over the next decade.