The erosion of a range of brittle materials (soda-lime glass, borosili
cate glass, fused silica, boron carbide, partially stabilized zirconia
, alumina and silicon carbide) with number of different erodent partic
le types (silicon, silica, alumina and silicon carbide) has been exami
ned. The mechanisms of erosion depend upon the ratio of particle to ta
rget hardness. As this ratio falls towards unity, less damaging mechan
isms of erosion dominate. Indentation-induced fracture models for eros
ion of brittle materials are not valid when this mechanism ceases to o
perate. The erosion rates decrease rapidly, and the velocity exponents
of erosion rate increase, as the ratio of particle to target hardness
decreases towards unity. The consequences of this in accelerated eros
ion testing are addressed.