Accurate acoustic characterization of zooplankton species is essential
if reliable estimates of zooplankton biomass are to be made from acou
stic backscatter measurements of the water column. Much work has recen
tly been done on the forward problem, where scattering predictions hav
e been made based on animal morphology. Three categories of scatterers
, represented by theoretical scattering models, have been identified b
y Stanton et al. (1994): gas-bearing (e.g. siphonophores), fluid-like
(e.g. euphausiids) and hard elastic-shelled (e.g. pteropods). If there
are consistent differences in the characteristic acoustic signatures
of each of these classes of zooplankton, it should be possible to solv
e the inverse problem by using acoustic backscatter data to infer math
ematically the class of scatterer. In this investigation of the feasib
ility of inverting acoustic data for scatterer-type, two different inv
ersion techniques are applied to hundreds of pings of data collected f
rom broadband ensonifications (similar to 350 kHz-750 kHz) of individu
al, live zooplankton tethered and suspended in a large tank filled wit
h filtered sea water. In the Model Parameterization Classifier (MPG),
the theoretical models for each scatterer-type are represented as eith
er straight lines with slope and intercept parameters or rectified sin
usoids with frequency and phase parameters. Individual pings are class
ified by comparison with these model parameterizations. The Empirical
Orthogonal Function-based Classifier (EOFC) exploits the basic structu
re of the frequency response (e.g. presence of a resonance structure)
through decomposition of the response into empirical orthogonal functi
ons. Small groups of pings are classified by comparing their dominant
modes with the dominant modes representative of the three scatterer-ty
pes. Preliminary results indicate that the acoustic classification of
zooplankton ensonifications into categories representing distinct scat
terer-types is feasible. Ultimately, it may be possible to develop in
situ acoustic systems that are capable of inverting for the types of o
rganisms sampled, thereby bridging the gap between acoustic backscatte
r measurements and estimates of zooplankton biomass. (C) 1996 Internat
ional Council for the Exploration of the Sea