T. Doyle et D. Botstein, MOVEMENT OF YEAST CORTICAL ACTIN CYTOSKELETON VISUALIZED IN-VIVO, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Statesof America, 93(9), 1996, pp. 3886-3891
Fusion proteins between the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the cy
toskeleton proteins Act1p (actin), Sac6p (yeast fimbrin homolog), and
Abp1p in budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) localize to the cort
ical actin patches. The actin fusions could not function as the sole a
ctin source in yeast, but fusions between the actin-binding proteins A
bp1p and Sac6p complement fully the phenotypes associated with their g
ene deletions. Direct observation in vivo reveals that the actin corti
cal patches move. Movement of actin patches is constrained to the asym
metric distribution of the patches in growing cells, and this movement
is greatly reduced when metabolic inhibitors such as sodium azide are
added. Fusion protein-labeled patches are normally distributed during
the yeast cell cycle and during mating. In vivo observation made poss
ible the visualization of actin patches during sporulation as well.