Ovaries from homozygous diabetic (db/db) female mice were removed and
transplanted into the empty left ovarian sacs of normal homozygous (m/
m) female mice which had undergone left oophorectomies. To produce con
trols, the previously removed normal left ovaries were transplanted in
to the empty left ovarian sacs of other normal (m/m) left oophorectomi
zed females. Glucose tolerance tests were done on the study and contro
l mice before surgery, after surgery, during pregnancy, and after deli
very. There were no significant differences in the glucose tolerance t
est results between study group and controls before or after surgery.
However, the study group, when compared to the controls, had a statist
ically significant glucose intolerance during pregnancy. After deliver
y, the glucose levels returned to normal. The ovaries from diabetic (d
b/db) female mice may produce hormones which, by themselves or in conc
ert with the fetal and placental hormones, may produce maternal glucos
e intolerance during pregnancy.