Due to dissatisfaction with the existing clinical skills course a new
model was designed. The Key problems were lack of feedback from the te
achers, too little involvement, students' feelings of insecurity and i
nadequacy, being overwhelmed by the task, and insufficient follow-up.
The new course was built on a personal relation between student and te
acher, reduction of tutor's patient workload during the 4 week of the
course, a personal responsibility for the progress of the student and
an individualized, gradual increase of the task from a limited history
and physical examination to a complete, usable patient journal. Each
student was given a personal tutor, who spent at least I hour daily wi
th the student and a patient. Both students and tutors show great sati
sfaction with the new course. The students feel adequately prepared fo
r further patient work after the course and the results of examination
s, in the form of a skills test, compare favorably with those of previ
ous courses.