The line asymmetry from the Evershed effect disappears beyond the boun
dary of the white-light penumbra over a horizontal distance of less th
an 500 km. Immediately beyond the ends of the dark penumbral continuum
structures, the lines Ni I 5435.9 (g=0.5) and Fe I 5434.5 (g=0; forme
d about 300 km higher) simultaneously lose their asymmetry. The spatia
l distance of maximally 500 km is too short for a 'disappearence with
height' as suggested by models of a penumbral 'canopy'. instead, the d
ata favour a rather flat orientation of the dark structures with an ab
rupt disappearence. It is suggested that this location marks the sharp
threshold of the equipartition between kinetic and magnetic energy de
nsity at the outer penumbral border.