Background: Acute gangrenous and perforating appendicitis are associat
ed with an increased risk for postoperative complications and have bee
n considered a relative contraindication of laparoscopic appendectomy.
Objective: To determine the complication rate following laparoscopic
appendectomy for gangrenous or perforating appendicitis. Design: A ret
rospective analysis of patients who underwent laparoscopic appendectom
y for gangrenous or perforating appendicitis. Setting: A multispecialt
y clinic. Results: Fifteen patients underwent laparoscopic appendectom
y for gangrenous appendicitis and 19 patients for perforating appendic
itis. In the gangrenous appendicitis group, average operating time was
85 minutes; average length of hospitalization, 2 days; and morbidity
rate, 7% (one patient with abdominal abscess). The perforating appendi
citis group had an average operating time of 84 minutes, hospitalizati
on of 7 days, and a morbidity rate of 42%. This morbidity included fiv
e patients (26%) who developed intra-abdominal abscesses, two patients
(10%) in whom wound infections developed, and one patient (5%) who di
ed of Candida sepsis and multisystem organ failure. Conclusions: Lapar
oscopic appendectomy can be safely performed in gangrenous appendiciti
s. Laparoscopic appendectomy for perforating appendicitis is associate
d with prolonged hospitalization and an increased risk for infectious