A combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar for tropospheric profiling
of moisture, ozone, and aerosols and stratospheric profiling of ozone,
aerosols, and temperature is presented. A XeCl excimer and a frequenc
y-tripled Nd:YAG laser serve as light sources. An eight-channel interf
erence-filter polychromator is used as the receiver. Water vapor, part
icle extinction and backscatter coefficients, and the particle lidar r
atio are determined by the use of the Raman-lidar technique. For depol
arization studies the parallel- and cross-polarized components of the
355-nm elastic-backscatter signal are detected. Ozone can be derived f
rom the Raman nitrogen channels as well as from the elastic-backscatte
r channels by applying the Raman-DIAL and the DIAL technique, respecti
vely. The temperature is obtained from the Raman and Rayleigh signals
in the particle-free stratosphere. The apparatus is described in detai
l. Measurement examples showing the capabilities of the new system are
given. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.