In the limit of an isothermal atmosphere without dissipation, the equa
tions governing atmospheric motions admit solutions corresponding to '
'free'' (unforced) oscillations for discrete zonal wavenumbers and per
iods. Global oscillations belonging to the rotational subclass are ref
erred to as free Rossby waves or Rossby normal modes. Despite the exis
tence of mean winds, nonisothermality, and dissipation, atmospheric ma
nifestations of these waves apparently exist. To date the study of suc
h oscillations has been confined mainly to the troposphere and stratos
phere (0-50 km), which includes the source region for the disturbances
. However, there is increasing evidence that the effects of free Rossb
y waves extend into the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (ca. 80-150 km)
and ionosphere (ca. 90-400 km). The present work draws upon recent num
erical modeling results and data analyses as a framework for discussin
g the penetration of planetary wave effects into the upper regions of
the atmosphere, especially the ionospheric dynamo region (ca. 100-170
km) and the electrodynamic interactions which ensue there. Attention i
s primarily focused on the westward propagating normal modes of wavenu
mber s = 1 (periods of 5, 10 and 16 days), and the so-called ''2-day w
ave'' which is normally associated with the mixed Rossby-gravity mode
with s = 3.