Jc. Makous et al., THE EFFECTS OF STATIC INDENTATION ON VIBROTACTILE THRESHOLD, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99(5), 1996, pp. 3149-3153
Vibrotactile thresholds were measured on the thenar eminence and the v
olar forearm at different static depths of skin indentation. Three sti
mulus frequencies (1, 20, and 200 Hz) were delivered through either a
0.008- or a 2.9-cm(2) contactor. The indentation depths ranged from 0
to 1 mm (0.25-mm steps) relative to the point of skin contact with the
stimulator. There was a significant effect of indentation in all stim
ulus combinations of contactor size, location, and frequency. These re
sults resolve an apparent discrepancy in the literature regarding thre
shold reduction with increasing contactor size observed on the forearm
at low frequencies. (C) 1996 Acoustical Society of America.