Starting from the Schrodinger functional, we give a non-perturbative d
efinition of the running coupling constant in QCD. The spatial boundar
y conditions for the quark fields are chosen such that the massless Di
rac operator in the classical background field has a large smallest ei
genvalue. At one-loop order of perturbation theory, we determine the m
atching coefficient to the <(MS)over bar> scheme and discuss the quark
mass effects in the beta-function. To this order, we also compute the
Symanzik improvement coefficient necessary to remove the O(a) lattice
artefacts originating from the boundaries. For reasonable lattice res
olutions and the standard Wilson action, lattice artefacts are found t
o be only weakly dependent on the lattice spacing a, while they vanish
quickly with the improved action of Sheikholeslami and Wohlert. As a
by-product we obtain the relation between the Lambda-parameters associ
ated with the bare couplings of this improved and the standard Wilson