The aim of the this study was to estimate the % distribution of bacter
ial morphotypes of supragingival plaque in Chinese subjects after 3 da
ys of no oral hygiene. 36 dental students, hygienists or dental surger
y assistants (mean age: 24.3 years) were recruited. Prophylaxis and or
al hygiene reinforcement were given 1X a week for 3 weeks to obtain gi
ngival health and a 3-day period without any plaque control started af
terwards. At the end of the 3-day period, the plaque along the gingiva
l margin of the upper right central incisor was removed and direct Gra
m stained smears were prepared for light microscopy. Bacteria were cla
ssified as gram-positive or gram-negative cocci, rods, filaments, fusi
form organisms, spirilla or spirochetes. A differential count of 200 o
rganisms from 3-6 microscopic fields was performed and the results exp
ressed as a % of the organisms counted. Results from the 36 direct sme
ars showed approximately 83% (range: 52%-96%) of the organisms to be g
ram-negative while gram-positive bacteria comprised only a minority of
about 12% (range: 0.70-43%). This result is remark ably different fro
m previous reports from the West where gram-positive bacteria were the
predominant bacterial types noted in early supragingival plaque. Furt
her longitudinal studies involving both microscopy and bacteriological
culture will be necessary to confirm this finding.