An abrupt and large increase in the absolute magnitude of lambda(s) in
sputtered polycrystalline permalloy (Ni81Fe19) films for thicknesses
below 7 nm was observed. Permalloy films maintain near-zero magnetostr
iction with film thicknesses above 7 nm. Film surface studies and micr
ostructural characterizations suggest that the magnetostriction observ
ed in this study is possibly due to an altered surface morphology of m
icrostructural origin. This observation appears to be critical from th
e viewpoint of permalloy-based giant magnetoresistive or spin-valve se
nsor fabrication where typical permalloy film thicknesses are 3-10 nm.
Because thin films with nonzero magnetostriction can induce an undesi
rable magnetoelastic anisotropy during sensor operation, the control a
nd adjustment of the film composition seems necessary to minimize magn
etostriction. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.