Purpose. To test an aqueous eye drop solution containing a high concen
tration of dexamethasone in a cyclodextrin-based drug delivery system.
This system increases both drug solubility in aqueous eye drops and d
rug permeability into the eye, through drug-cyclodextrin-polymer co-co
mplexes. Methods. 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin is a water-soluble
oligosaccharide that can be used to dissolve lipophilic drugs, such a
s dexamethasone, in aqueous solutions. Co-complexation with a polymer
further increases the solubility and increases drug permeability throu
gh biologic membranes. Eye drops containing dexamethasone (0.32% and 0
.67%), 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin, and polymer were given to pa
tients before cataract surgery, and the resultant dexamethasone concen
tration was measured from aqueous humor samples. Results. The dexameth
asone-cyclodextrin drops give a significantly higher concentration of
dexamethasone in aqueous humor than dexamethasone alcohol 0.1% (Maxide
x). Heating of the dexamethasone-cyclodextrin-polymer co-complexes app
ears to enhance the permeability of the drug into the eye. Conclusions
. The cyclodextrin-based drug delivery system enhances both the solubi
lity of dexamethasone in aqueous eye drops and the permeability of the
drug into the human eye. Dexamethasone concentration levels in the hu
man aqueous humor exceed those reported with currently available stero
id eye drops.