In an attempt to prevent or reduce the manifestations of atopic diseas
e, a group of infants considered to be genetically at high risk of ato
py was entered in a prenatally randomized, controlled study. A prophyl
actic group (n=58) was either breast-fed with their mothers excluding
foods regarded as highly antigenic from their diets, or given an exten
sively hydrolysed formula. In addition, strenuous efforts were made to
reduce exposure to the house-dust mite by application of acaricide to
the bedroom and living room carpets and upholstered furniture. A cont
rol group (n=62) was fed conventionally by breast or on formula, and n
o specific environmental measures were taken. The results (previously
reported) after 1 year showed significantly less total allergy, asthma
, and eczema in the prophylactic group. Similar results were obtained
at 2 years although the reduction in asthma no longer achieved statist
ical significance. However, there was significantly less sensitization
, as shown by a battery of skin prick tests (SPTs), to both dietary al
lergens and aeroallergens in the prophylactic group. All the children
have now been reviewed at the age of 4 years, and SPTs to a wide range
of dietary allergens and aeroallergens have been performed. The contr
ol group continues to show more total allergy (odds ratio [OR] 2.73, 9
5% confidence interval [CI] 1.21-6.13, P<0.02), definite allergy (alle
rgic symptoms plus positive SPT) (OR 5.6, CI 1.8-17.9, P<0.005), and e
czema (OR 3.4, CI 1.2-10.1, P<0.05). More control children have positi
ve SPTs (OR 3.7, CI 1.3-10.0, P<0.02). A dual approach to the preventi
on of allergic disease, avoiding as far as possible sensitization to f
ood and aeroallergens, significantly reduces the risk of atopic diseas
e. This should be reserved for infants considered at very high risk of
atopy, and close medical and dietetic supervision must be available.
(C) Munksgaard 1996.