Background. Genital warts is a common sexually transmitted disease tre
ated by a variety of medical specialists. Standard therapies offer sym
ptomatic relief but cannot ensure lasting remission. Using the clinica
l literature, claims databases, and a panel of experienced practitione
rs, the relative efficacy, cost, and cost effectiveness of five common
treatments for genital warts were assessed in this study. Methods. We
reviewed the clinical literature for the following genital wart thera
pies: podofilox, podophyllin, trichloroacetic acid, cryotherapy, and l
aser therapy, focusing on their relative efficacy. Physicians experien
ced in treating genital warts defined standard treatment protocols for
men and women patients with moderate wart burdens, Using national cla
ims data and protocols developed by physicians, we derived three econo
mic models based on provider charges, third-party payments, and a reso
urce-based relative value scale, respectively. Results. The literature
review demonstrated highly variable success and recurrence rates amon
g treatment methods and failed to show that one treatment provides con
sistently superior efficacy. In the economic models, treating women ge
nerally proved more costly than treating men per episode of care. This
was due to the need for more extensive follow-up visits in the treatm
ent of women. Total costs were highest for cryotherapy and lowest for
a patient-applied therapy that reduced the need for follow-up visits.
Conclusions. Clinicians should consider both clinical and cost issues
when choosing the appropriate treatment for patients with genital wart