A 40-year-old black man noticed a gradual swelling of his mandible, ac
companied by an increase in the mobility of the left lateral and canin
e teeth (Fig. 1). Intraoral examination revealed a tumor mass, extendi
ng from the medial side of the right maxillary canine to the distal si
de of the left maxillary lateral incisor and involving the palatal asp
ect of the alveolar ridge. The covering mucosa showed extensive ulcera
tions. The patient experienced pain in the oral cavity. Examination of
the neck showed slightly enlarged and mobile submental lymph nodes on
both sides. The roentgenologic examination of the face revealed lytic
destruction running horizontally through the mandible, coupled with e
nlargement of the adjacent soft tissue (Fig. 2). A biopsy specimen, ob
tained through intraosseous curettage, revealed an undifferentiated fu
socellular sarcoma, consisting of cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, an
d scarce mitotic figures (Fig. 3). Immunoperoxidase staining from HMB-
45 and keratin were negative. The patient died 20 days after the histo
pathologic diagnosis.