The unsaturated shear strength parameter, phi(b), is usually determine
d using triaxial or direct shear apparatus that have been modified to
allow for the control and (or) measurement of pore-air and pore-water
pressures. A fairly high level of expertise is required for the charac
terization of phi(b) using these modified apparatus. A simple procedur
e for determining phi(b) for statically compacted soils at different w
ater contents is presented along with a method of analysis. The tests
can be performed on a conventional direct shear apparatus. The unsatur
ated shear strength parameter, phi(b), obtained using the proposed pro
cedure is shown to be comparable to that obtained using the modified d
irect shear test. Since the proposed procedure utilizes standard labor
atory direct shear equipment and takes a relatively short time to comp
lete, it offers an easy and convenient alternative for the determinati
on of phi(b) for statically compacted soils.