We are creating a bank of EBV immortalized lymphoblast cells and extra
cted DNA taken from the blood of deaf children and their relatives, in
order to study the molecular basis of hereditary deafness. We have es
tablished a corresponding database for sensorineural hearing loss that
records clinical data for each entered specimen. The purpose of this
paper is to present the content and design of the computerized relatio
nal database. The data model is designed first to identify known etiol
ogies of deafness, either acquired or syndromic, and then to character
ize the clinical features of the deaf individual, and both their affec
ted and non-affected family members. The application operates in a gra
phical environment of visual prompts and message panels. The database
is organized by sections which record demographic data, presenting com
plaints, otologic history, birth and perinatal history, developmental
history, symptoms of chronic airway obstruction, family history, neuro
logic history, congenital infections, hospitalizations and surgical hi
story, medication history, vestibular findings, audiometry, radiology,
medical conditions and syndromes and physical examination. The databa
se was developed on a commercially available software product. Our dat
abase is presented as a model for use by other clinicians and investig