During pituitary organogenesis, the progressive differentiation of dis
tinct pituitary-specific cell lineages from a common primordium involv
es a series of developmental decisions and inductive interactions. Tar
geted gene disruption in mice showed that Lhx3, a LIM homeobox gene ex
pressed in the pituitary throughout development, is essential for diff
erentiation and proliferation of pituitary cell lineages, In mice homo
zygous for the Lhx3 mutation, Rathke's pouch formed but failed to grow
and differentiate; such mice lacked both the anterior and intermediat
e robes of the pituitary. The determination of all pituitary cell line
ages, except the corticotrophs, was affected, suggesting that a distin
ct, Lhx3-independent ontogenetic pathway exists for the initial specif
ication of this lineage.