We have screened Xenopus animal cap ectodermal cells during neural ind
uction for protein kinases (PK) and protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) af
ter their renaturation in gels containing the polydispersed substrate
poly(Glu, Tyr). Following guanidine hydrochloride denaturation, renatu
ration, and phosphorylation with [gamma-P-32]ATP, kinase activity was
detected by autoradiography. Incubation of gels in hot alkali after gl
utaraldehyde crosslinking completely eliminated the activity of non-PT
K enzymes. This method is very sensitive and can be applied to develop
ment biology for the detection of PTMs in very small samples such as e
ctoderm explants dissected from animal caps in amphibian embryos. A la
rge number of PTKs were visualized in uninduced and induced ectodermal
cells. This procedure should be useful for investigating the role of
PTKs in intracellular signaling during neural induction. (C) 1996 Acad
emic Press, Inc.