An upper layer ocean model, with primitive equation dynamics and embed
ded with a mixed layer model at the top, is developed. Entrainment and
detrainment in the mixed layer are determined from wind and buoyancy
turbulent kinetic energy, as well as the effect of shear instability a
t the base of the mixed layer. The model parameterised the processes o
f convection and deep ocean diffusion, as well as mass entrainment at
a subsurface layer due to strong upwelling. It was applied to the Bale
des Chaleurs (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada). The model was forced by
observed winds, atmospheric heat fluxes, river runoff and a remote coa
stal jet. The simulations in the main run reproduced well the observat
ional fields in both time and space. Sensitivity runs are conducted to
study the effects of external forcing, important physical processes a
nd the internal physical parameterisation on the model results and to
compare these with the main run.