The present investigation concerns the effect of the hatching glands p
roduct (HGP) on the vitelline envelope of Bufo arenarum's oocytes. Two
kinds of HGP preparations were tested; one obtained from the glands t
hemselves, the other coming from the fertilization coat found around e
mbryos at times close to hatching. Either type of HGP caused similar e
ffects on the uterine oocytes vitelline envelope. The HGP activity was
tested at different concentrations on oocytes in different physiologi
cal. stages. The alterations produced by the product on the vitelline
envelope become more conspicuous as the HGP concentration is increased
. Dejellied uterine oocytes treated with HGP, thoroughly washed and af
terwards inseminated, showed a decrease in their fertility. When the H
GP concentration was 25% or 12.5%, the fertility after such treatment
was nearly similar to control batches, therefore showing a high recupe
ration rate. Spermatolysines activity is increased if their effect is
tested in a HGP reach medium. Ultrastructural analysis showed that the
vitelline envelope alterations on oocytes treated with HGP, is a func
tion of their physiological stage, and so, of the vitelline envelope f
ine morphological organization. Its quantitative morphometric analysis
is in agreement with the morphological qualitative observations.