We investigated the existence of coherent population trapping (CPT) as
a transient effect dependent on the rate of change of interaction par
ameters between an atm and light waves. For that purpose we exploited
the phase dependence of CPT in a closed double-h interaction scheme, v
arying the total phase of the atomic transition loop linearly in time
by detuning the light waves from exact four-photon resonance. For a sl
owly changing phase (that is, for small detunings) we observed the sub
sequent creation and destruction of CPT depending on the varying phase
, while for higher speed of phase change CPT disappears. An analytical
solution for a special case for a double-h interaction scheme that ca
n be used to understand the principles of this phenomenon is presented
. A qualitative comparison with our experiment shows good agreement wi
thin the limits of our theoretical considerations, confirming the vali
dity of the basic idea.