Twelve rhesus monkeys were vaccinated with SIVmac316 Delta nef (lackin
g nef sequences), and 12 were vaccinated with SIVmac239 Delta 3 (lacki
ng nef, vpr, and upstream sequences in U3). SIVmac316 and SIVmac239 di
ffer by only eight amino acids in the envelope; these changes render S
IVmac316 highly competent for replication in macrophages, Seventeen of
the animals developed persistent infections with the vaccine viruses,
Seven of the 24 vaccinated animals, however, developed infections tha
t were apparently transient in nature, Six of these seven yielded viru
s from peripheral blood when tested at weeks 2 and/or 3, three of the
seven had transient antibody responses, but none of the seven had pers
isting antibody responses, The 24 monkeys were challenged in groups of
four with 10 rhesus monkey infectious doses of wild-type, pathogenic
SIVmac251 at weeks 8, 20, and 79 following receipt of vaccine. None of
the seven with apparently transient infections with vaccine virus wer
e protected upon subsequent challenge, Analysis of cell-associated vir
al loads, CD4(+) cell counts, and viral gene sequences present in peri
pheral blood in the remainder of the monkeys following challenge allow
ed a number of conclusions, (i) There was a trend toward increased pro
tection with length of time of vaccination, (ii) Solid vaccine protect
ion was achieved by 79 weeks with the highly attenuated SIV239 Delta 3
. (iii) Solid long-term protection was achieved in at least two animal
s in the absence of complete sterilizing immunity. (iv) Genetic backbo
ne appeared to influence protective capacity; animals vaccinated with
SIV239 Delta 3 were better protected than animals receiving SIV316 Del
ta nef. This better protection correlated with increased levels of the
replicating vaccine strain, (v) The titer of virus-neutralizing activ
ity in serum on the day of challenge correlated with protection when m
easured against a primary stock of SIVmac251 but not when measured aga
inst a laboratory-passaged stock, The level of binding antibodies to w
hole virus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay also correlated with p