Yt. Lim et Ch. Song, AN INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE-STUDY OF BASIC SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH CAPACITY - OECD COUNTRIES, TAIWAN AND KOREA, Technological forecasting & social change, 52(1), 1996, pp. 75-94
This article presents an econometric model relating to the technologic
al develop ment problem of a technologically less developed country, b
y which its basic scientific research capacity (BSRC) and the gap in t
erms of time lag can be measured and forecasted in connection with fac
tor analysis and the estimated BSRC progress function. Based on the an
alysis, the coauthors recommend some technology policies designed to p
romote total factor productivity as well as the international competit
iveness of Korea. There is an emphasis on the importance of research a
ctivities of universities in basic science, which yield a synergy effe
ct with domestic innovation in the dynamic process of assimilation, ab
sorption, improvement, and indigenization of the technologies imported
from technologically advanced countries, especially in the era of ''t
echnological war.''