Cluster outbreaks of lymphoma and leukemia have been associated with v
iral infections in many species including humans, cattle, and cats. Th
is study describes epidemiological, clinical, and pathological feature
s of cluster outbreaks of lymphoma in multiferret households and exami
nes and compares the Aleutian disease virus (ADV) and feline leukemia
virus (FeLV) status of cases, ferrets at risk, and controls. Three fer
ret groups with 21 cases of histologically diagnosed lymphoma (12.6% c
umulative incidence) and their cohabitants (n = 35) were examined and
compared with three control groups (n = 52) of cohabitating ferrets wi
thout lymphoma. A familial distribution was observed in one group but
most cases were not consanguinous. Ferrets greater than 3 years of age
developed chronic disease in two of the groups and 2-year-old adults
had acute disease in the remaining group. Lymphocytosis, splenomegaly,
and lymphadenopathy were prominent features. Histologically, predomin
antly small noncleaved cell and polymorphous lymphoid lesions were obs
erved. All of the ferrets with lymphoma that were tested for ADV and F
eLV using serology or PCR were negative. The rate of ADV antibody amon
g cases or ferrets at risk was not significantly different from contro
ls. None of the cluster ferrets were seropositive for FeLV p27 antigen
using a monoclonal ELISA. Infection with a novel ferret virus is susp
ected, but an etiological agent has not yet been identified.