Diploid Lathyrus amphicarpos, L. sativus and L. tingitanus (Leguminosa
e) showed no significant difference in mean chiasma frequency, despite
their differences in genome size. Highly significant phenotypic diffe
rences were detected within each species. C-1 autotetraploid L. tingit
anus had a chiasma frequency less than double that of the diploid of l
owest chiasma frequency but the variance did not significantly differ
from four times the pooled within plant variance of the diploids. The
supplementary DNA responsible for genomic evolution has no effect on v
ariation in chiasma frequency, either between species or within nuclei
. Small but very highly significant differences in chiasma position we
re observed between the three diploid species examined. In L. amphicar
pos, which has the smallest genome of the three (10.0 pg/2C), early ch
iasmata are distal whereas later chiasmata tend to be interstitial. Th
e converse is true of L. tingitanus, the species with the largest geno
me (19.2 pg/2C). L. sativus, with the intermediately sized genome (16.
2 pg/2C), exhibits an intermediate pattern of chiasma distribution, ch
iasmata being equally likely to be distal or interstitial whether form
ed early or late. Each tetrasome in C-1 autotetraploid L. tingitanus i
s equally likely to form a quadrivalent. The frequency of ring quadriv
alents was nearly twice that of chains. Rings are twice as likely to b
e in non-disjunctional configurations as chains but both rings and cha
ins are equally likely to be in alternate or adjacent orientation.