Chromosomal and symbiosis-related genotypes of rhizopine-producing and
non-producing isolates of Rhizobium meliloti and Rhizobium leguminosa
rum were examined by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and RFLP. The d
istribution of rhizopine production in both species was found to be in
dependent of host genotype, Conversely, rhizopine production was assoc
iated with particular symbiotic plasmid types, this association may ex
plain the observed distribution of rhizopine production in R. legumino
sarum and R. meliloti. Rhizopine synthesis (mos) genes showed greater
sequence divergence than rhizopine catabolism (moc) genes in both R. m
eliloti and R. leguminosarum. Furthermore, mos and moc genes were less
divergent in R. leguminosarum than R. meliloti, suggesting a more rec
ent evolution in the former species.