While postmodernism has had very little influence in biology (for reas
ons discussed in the paper), it can provide a framework for discussing
the context in which biology is done. Here, four biological views of
the body/self are contrasted: the neural, immunological, genetic, and
phenotypic bodies. Each physical view of the body extrapolates into a
different model of the body politic, and each posits a different relat
ionship between bodies of knowledge. The neural view of the body model
s a body politic wherein society is defined by its culture and laws. T
he genetic view privileges views of polities based on ethnicity and ra
ce. The immune body extrapolates into polities that can defend themsel
ves against other such polities. The phenotypic view of the body polit
ic stands in opposition to these three major perspectives and integrat
es them without giving any predominance. The view of science as a ''ne
ural'' body of knowledge contends that science is aperspectival and ob
jective. The perspective of the ''immune'' body is that science exists
to defend the interests of its creators. The genetic view of science
is that science is the basis of all culture. The extrapolation of the
phenotypic body to science insists upon the utilitarian rationale for
scientific enterprises. In all instances, the genetic view of the body
/body politic/body of science is presently in ascendance.