Maternal uniparental disomy 15 (UPD15), responsible for approximately
25 per cent of Prader-Willi syndrome cases, is usually caused by mater
nal meiosis I non-disjunction associated with advanced maternal age. T
hese cases may initially be detected as mosaic trisomy 15 during routi
ne prenatal,diagnostic studies. In such cases, PCR (polymerase chain r
eaction) microsatellite analysis of uncultured cells makes prospective
prenatal diagnosis for UPD15 possible with results available in 2-4 d
ays. We have performed molecular analyses on a series of seven cases o
f mosaic trisomy 15 identified in amniotic fluid (AF, n=3) or chorioni
c villus samples (CVS, n=4) from patients initially referred for advan
ced maternal age or abnormal triple screen. In all cases, the maternal
ages were greater than or equal to 35 years and maternal meiosis I no
n-disjunction was documented as the cause of the trisomy in all inform
ative cases (n=5). Of the three cases with mosaic trisomy 15 at amnioc
entesis, two showed the presence of the trisomy in the fetus. Molecula
r analysis showed one case with maternal UPD15 in the euploid cell, li
ne and one case with biparental inheritance. Both of these families el
ected to terminate the pregnancies based on the presence of true fetal
mosaicism. In the third case, low-level trisomy 15 mosaicism in the a
mniotic fluid was not confirmed in a follow-up amniotic fluid sample a
nd molecular analysis indicated biparental inheritance in the fetus. F
or the four trisomy 15 mosaics detected at CVS, molecular analysis was
performed on direct amniotic fluid cell lysates for prospective diagn
osis of UPD at 14-16 weeks' gestation. Follow-up cytogenetic analysis
of the amniotic fluid in all four cases was normal, indicating confirm
ed placental mosaicism. Molecular analysis showed one of these four ca
ses to have maternal heterodisomy 15. Based on the likelihood of Prade
r-Willi syndrome due to maternal UPD15, the couple chose to terminate
the pregnancy. The total of two of seven cases of trisomy 15 mosaicism
resulting in UPD15 is consistent with the theoretical expectation of
one-third and indicates a high risk of UPD in such pregnancies. Theref
ore, UPD testing should be offered in all cases of mosaic trisomy 15 e
ncountered in CVS dr amniocentesis.