Weed seed return and seedbank composition, with particular reference t
o common lambsquarters, were studied in four tillage systems establish
ed on a site near Fingal, Ontario, The tillage treatments were moldboa
rd plow chisel plow ridge-till, and no-till, The cropping system was a
corn-soybean rotation. Tillage effects on weed population composition
were assessed after all weed control measures had been implemented, M
ore than 60% of the weed seedbank was concentrated in the upper 5 cm o
f soil in chisel plow and no-till, The seedbank of the moldboard plow
system was more uniformly distributed over depth and larger than the o
ther systems, Common lambsquarters comprised more than 50% of the seed
bank in all systems except ridge-till, but only dominated the abovegro
und weed population in chisel plow Seedbank populations of common lamb
squarters with moldboard plowing were greater than those with ridge-ti
ll and no-till, and chisel plow seedbank populations were greater than
those in ridge-till, Chisel and moldboard plow systems generally had
higher aboveground plant populations of common lambsquarters than the
other two systems, Seed production per plant by common lambsquarters w
as equivalent among the four systems, but estimated seed production pe
r unit area was higher in moldboard plow and chisel plow systems than
in the other systems, Populations of common lambsquarters and similar
species may produce more seeds and persist in moldboard plow and chise
l plow systems; these weeds may produce fewer seeds per unit area and
be easier to manage in no-till and ridge-till systems.