The authors purpose a scheme to test whether inversions in CTD density
profiles are caused by overturning motions (from which mixing rates m
ay be inferred) or by measurement noise. Following a common practice,
possible overturning regions are found by comparing the observed profi
le rho(z) and an imaginary profile <(rho)over cap (z)> constructed by
reordering rho(z) to make it gravitationally stable. The resulting ''r
eordering regions'' are subjected to two tests. The ''Thorpe fluctuati
on'' profils rho'(z) = rho(z) - <(rho)over cap (z)> is examined for ''
runs'' of adjacent positive or negative values. The probability densit
y function (PDF) of the run length is compared with the corresponding
PDF of random noise. This: yields a threshold value for rms run length
within individual reordering regions that must be exceeded for adequa
te resolution of overturns, taking into account both CTD characteristi
cs and local hydrographic properties. Temperature and salinity covaria
tions with respect to density are screened for systematic CTD errors s
uch as those caused by time-response mismatches in temperature and con
ductivity sensors. Such errors may occur as the CTD passes through wat
er-mass boundaries, for example, in interleaving regions. Resultant sp
urious inversions are avoided by the requirement of tight relationship
s between rho, T, and S within reordering regions. The tests are calib
rated with examples from coastal and deep-sea environments. The result
s suggest that a CTD may resolve overturns in coastal environments whe
re mixing and stratification are large but that noise a will prevent o
verturn detection for typical CTD resolution in the weekly mixed, weak
ly stratified, deep sea.