Multiphase samples containing a series of well-crystallized gismondine
-type NaP zeolites, unit cell content Na xAlxSi16-xO32.yH2O with 3 les
s-than-or-equal-to x less-than-or-equal-to 8, were prepared at 90-95-d
egrees-C or 150-degrees-C from aluminosilicate glasses and aqueous sod
ium hydroxide. Powder X-ray diffraction using a Guinier-Hagg camera an
d energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis performed in a scanning electr
on microscope revealed three NaP phases with increasing silicon conten
t, i.e., low-silica P (8-10 Si atoms per unit cell), orthorhombic medi
um-silica P (10-12 Si/cell), and tetragonal high-silica P (12-13 Si/ce
ll). NaP1 (pseudocubic lattice geometry) probably represents an end-me
mber low-silica P with 10 Si/cell, whereas NaP2 (pseudotetragonal latt
ice geometry) is identical to medium-silica P.