Increased emphasis on routine screening of chemicals for potential neu
rotoxicity has resulted in the development of testing guidelines and s
tandardized procedures. A multiphased, tiered-testing strategy has bee
n proposed by numerous expert panels to evaluate large numbers of chem
icals. In a regulatory context, however, a formal tiered-testing appro
ach is not used, mostly because of the constraints of differing regula
tory authorities and the potential cost of such a testing strategy. In
stead, current regulatory decision making utilizes all available anima
l and human data to identify a critical adverse effect which is then u
sed for setting standards. Although the current decisionmaking process
does not use a formal tiered-testing approach, it appears to identify
chemicals with neurotoxic effects. An analysis of U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency integrated risk information system (IRIS) indicates
that about 20% of the chemicals having standards or health advisories
are based on neurotoxicity.