Compression tests have been Performed on low carbon cylindrical specim
ens in the temperature range of 900-1100-degrees-C in a thermomechanic
al simulator at a strain rate of 10 s-1. True stress/true strain and l
oad-displacement curves have been characterised over a strain of 0 to
0.8 at above temperatures. The specimens were helium quenched after an
incremental true strain of 0.2 for microstructural study. From the ex
perimental data, flow stress of the material at high temperatures has
been determined as a function of Zener-Hollomon parameter. The flow st
ress equation was employed in a coupled finite element flow formulatio
n model to compute the load for various incremental displacements. The
predicted results of load-displacement and change in specimen geometr
y during compression showed good agreement with the measured values. T
he predicted rise in temperature due to deformation was of the order o
f 52 to 34-degrees-C in the temperature range of 900 to 1100-degrees-C
at a strain rate of 10 s-1. The prior austenite grain size has been m
easured in the specimen compressed up to a strain of 0.6 at 1100-degre
es-C and compared with the predicted austenite grain size employing th
e microstructural model. Metallographic study showed an equiaxed recry
stallized grains network in most of the region at the center of the sp
ecimen with average grain size of 43 mum. A coarse deformed grain stru
cture with few recrystallized grains at the intersection boundary of a
ustenite grains was observed at the top surface and bulge surface with
an average grain size of 74 and 84 mum, respectively. The model predi
cted the evidence of fully dynamically recrystallised grains at the ce
nter of the specimen with a grain size of 42 mum. The predicted grain
size at the top and bulge surface has been calculated as 90 and 106 mu
m, respectively.