Ischemic tolerance following transient global cerebral ischemia has dr
awn considerable attention because of the putative cell defense mechan
ism which may be inducible by ischemic stress. The purpose of this stu
dy is to investigate the inducibility of ischemic tolerance in moderat
ely symptomatic gerbils after unilateral carotid occlusion. Adult Mong
olian gerbils were used. Under ether inhalation, the right common caro
tid artery was occluded for up to 30 min with an aneurysmal clip. Imme
diately after occlusion, neurological signs and motor function were ev
aluated and gerbils with moderate signs were selected for investigatio
n of ischemic tolerance. Ischemia for 30 min to gerbils with moderate
signs constantly caused neuronal death in the caudoputamen, but it was
prevented by pretreatment with 10 min ischemia which was reversible b
ut strong enough to produce heat shock protein 70. The results show th
at ischemic tolerance can be induced after hemispheric cerebral ischem
ia as in the case of global cerebral ischemia and suggest that ischemi
c tolerance may be relevant in human stroke.