We review recent work testing the hypothesis that the parasite Toxopla
sma gondii manipulates one of its intermediate hosts to make it behave
in a way that would enhance the parasite's chance of completing its o
wn life cycle. Both experimental and inferential evidence from wild ra
ts and/or captive rats in semi-naturalistic environments suggest that
infected rats differed from non-infected individuals in a suite of beh
aviours that may enhance their likelihood of being predated by cats, t
he parasite's definitive host: T. gondii-infected rats were found to b
e more active, more exploratory, less cautious of novel stimuli and mo
re easily trapped. Also in accordance with the manipulation hypothesis
, these alterations appear specific rather than due to the symptoms of
some general illness. There were no differences in food intake, condi
tion indices, other parasite load or growth rates. Moreover, infected
rats did as well as non-infected individuals in terms of social status
and mating success, both the products of costly and competitive activ
ities which would be expected to be changed if the alterations were ge
neral rather than specific.