Flotation processes are difficult to describe fundamentally, owing to
the stochastic nature of the froth structures and the ill-defined chem
orheology of the froth. Considerable information on the process is ref
lected by the structure of the froth. In previous work it has been sho
wn that structural features extracted from flotation froths can be rel
ated to the behavior of flotation processes in a qualitative way throu
gh the identification of certain behavioral regimes or classes by usin
g a supervised neural net as classifier. Although useful as an aid to
control decisions, this method is less suitable for quantitative or dy
namic analysis of the behavior of flotation plants. In this paper a ne
w method for the analysis of flotation plants is consequently proposed
, based on the use of order preserving maps of features extracted from
digitized images of the froth phase. The construction of these maps b
y means of a self-organizing neural net is demonstrated by way of exam
ples concerning the analysis of industrial copper and platinum flotati
on plants.