Radial and longitudinal temperature gradients within cold-seal pressur
e vessels can contribute significantly to the total temperature uncert
ainty in any one experiment and it is important to calibrate such grad
ients before experiments are undertaken. We have measured temperature
gradients in vertically mounted large cold-seal vessels at 1 atm and 1
kbar and in the temperature range 500-800 degrees C. Radial gradients
were measured with the vessel at various positions within the furnace
by recording the temperature difference between a thermocouple in the
internal bore of the vessel and one in a well in the top of the vesse
l. We find that when the vessel is at a certain position in the furnac
e, the temperatures read by these two thermocouples are equivalent to
within 1 degrees C. The contribution of radial gradients to temperatur
e uncertainty can be thus be substantially minimized if experiments ar
e undertaken with the vessel in this position. Longitudinal gradients
of 2.8 degrees C/cm at 500 degrees C and 3 degrees C/cm at 800 degrees
C were recorded at 1 kbar. These profiles are significantly steeper t
han those recorded at 1 atm. Not to calibrate temperature gradients at
the experimental conditions or failure to calibrate vessels at all co
uld lead to large temperature uncertainties.