I examine how security concerns affect if and when interstate rivals e
nd their rivalries by settling their outstanding differences over impo
rtant issues and ceasing to threaten each other militarily. I argue th
at when leaders are simultaneously willing to accept some offered sett
lement, a rivalry will end, and argue that security concerns affect th
is willingness to accept different bargains. I hypothesize that extern
al threats to the security of the rivals should increase leaders' will
ingness to accept given offers, increasing the probability that a riva
lry will end, while high-salience issues should make it less likely th
at a rivalry will end. However, neither the dyadic power balance nor t
he occurrence of war between rivals should affect rivalry termination.
I propose a new operationalization of rivalries and their termination
which centers on disputed issues. In a statistical analysis of rivalr
ies from 1816 to 1988, I find that external military threats and low i
ssue salience do positively affect the probability that rivalries will
end, and that the dyadic balance of power, the occurrence of war, and
bipolarity do not affect rivalry duration.