Potassium (K) homeostasis depends on the separate and interrelated reg
ulation of K distribution between the intra- and extra-cellular fluid
compartments and adequate renal excretion. This brief review focuses o
n the regulation of internal K distribution and the renal mechanisms o
f K handling. Based on clearance, micropuncture, and microperfusion st
udies, a large body of evidence supports the view that normally, renal
secretion of K determines excretion and that the principal tubule cel
ls in the initial and cortical collecting tubule secrete K, whereas K
reabsorption may occur in intercalated cells. Studies of the electroch
emical driving forces, of intracellular ion activities, the characteri
zation of several ATPases, and patch clamp investigations have provide
d insight into the role of pumps and channels in those tubule cells th
at regulate K secretion and reabsorption.